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It is 1 pizza for 1 person. The pizza is typically served promptly after being cooked in the blazing heat of a wood-fired oven, and is eaten hot.

Wooden board is the best platform, it allows the pizza to maintain its core. You will also need paper napkins and not to forgot, your favorite chilled drink. Neapolitan pizza is made with fresh ingredients and finished with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil; you should not alter its flavor by adding any dipping sauce.


So, how to eat a Neapolitan-style pizza?​

  • Knife and Fork

  • Slice by Slice

  • Folded like a crepe



Tomato sauce Fresh mozzarella

Fresh basil leaves

Extra virgin olive oil

Knife & Fork

You can use knife and fork if the pizza is not pre-cut. If the pizza is served to you as a whole, it’s up to you to cut it into slices. Cutting your pizza is part of the authentic experience.


Slice by Slice

You fold the Neapolitan pizza slice by pinching the outer edge of the crust in the middle, or by rolling each side of the crust towards each other, and if the center of the pizza is sloppy, then support or fold the tip on itself. You finish by eating the crust, which can also be used to "mop-up" the remaining sauce or olive oil.


Folded like a crepe

You fold the pizza in half then quarters. The "Pizza Portafoglio", or "wallet pizza" is the street version of the Neapolitan pizza, it is usually smaller and cheaper, and can be eaten while walking. For this reason, it has less tomato sauce and less toppings.

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